On September 10, 2020, UA Regents voted to eliminate more than half the funding for the UAA ski team, and discontinue Alpine skiing events. On January 15th, the UA Regents REINSTATED Alpine Skiing.
To save our sport, preserve our Alpine events, and field a complete team, the UA Regents and UAA Chancellor asked us to raise two years of operating costs. A total of $628,000 dollars. Exactly half, $314,000 in cash, and the second $314K in pledges.
We did this! Thank you to everyone, and especially our 314ers who stepped up to support a Whole UAA Ski Team. Our funds are confirmed, but we are still actively raising additional funds to ensure we don’t find ourselves in this place again!We are reinstated, and this major accomplishment is an incredibly positive moment in our path to a permanent presence at our university. THANK YOU!